April 7-11, 2026
For participants in our Costa Rica Hummingbird Photography Workshop (and others if space is available), we offer an extension: Travel to Costa Rica's mountain valleys to photograph the Resplendent Quetzal—which Roger Torey Peterson called "the most spectacular bird in the New World."
We will stay at an isolated lodge amidst ideal nesting habitat for Quetzals. We will search
for nesting and feeding areas where we hope to obtain full frame portraits of these spectacular
In addition
to Quetzals, a variety of hummingbirds and other bird species that we won't see on the
main trip reside here and frequent the beautifully landscaped grounds and surrounding
forest. We can have excellent opportunities to photograph White-throated Mountain-gem,
Green Violet-ear, and Scintillant, Volcano, and Magnificent Hummingbirds. We also plan a side trip for images of the beautiful Fiery-throated Hummingbird.
A trout fishing stream cascades through the valley, and fresh
trout is a regular feature at the excellent buffet meals. Photographers and birders
can have opportunities with such birds as Emerald Toucanet, Flame-colored Tanager, Slaty Flower-piercer, Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher,
Collared Redstart, and various treecreepers and trogons.
Combine this extension with our Costa
Rica Hummingbird Photography Workshop trip and receive a $1,000 discount.